Bush Names Bolton U.N. Ambassador – Another Blow to U.S. Prestige

This appointment is just more one more piece of evidence that George W. Bush is the worst president in U.S. history.

CBS News reports that “President Bush [has] installed embattled nominee John Bolton on Monday to be U.N. ambassador, using a recess appointment to circumvent a resistant Senate. ”

Bolton is a GOP political hack who famously bullied local election officials in Florida during the Gore vs. Bush fiasco. He went on to carry water at the State Department for President Bush by bullying CIA analysts when the administration was “creating its own reality” (formerly known as “lying”) about the reasons for going to war in Iraq.

More recently, Bolton lied to the Senate in the paperwork related to this nomination when he said he had not been interviewed by investigators about the CIA leak scandal.

He’s also wanted by the Fashion Police in 30 countries for his unintentionally retro 70’s look.

All in all, this appointment is just one more piece of evidence that George W. Bush is the worst president in U.S. history.


2 thoughts on “Bush Names Bolton U.N. Ambassador – Another Blow to U.S. Prestige”

  1. “He’s also wanted by the Fashion Police in 30 countries for his unintentionally retro 70’s look.”

    Indeed, but it would take more than a badly needed haircut to make this pig look presentable.

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