Monitoring God’s Vomit: Rev. O’Neal Dozier

Wingnut Bush point-men like the Rev. O’Neal Dozier pose the next problem for those of us who prefer religion stay in our hearts and not in our courthouses. They also represent a new political animal: black Republicans.

From a recent South Florida Sun-Sentinel:

The Rev. O’Neal Dozier, pastor of the Worldwide Christian Center in Pompano Beach, is one of the Bush Administration’s “go-to” African-Americans.

Dozier belongs to a growing trend of black ministers who promote conservative values on such issues as same-sex marriage and abortion. President Bush and his brother, Gov. Jeb Bush, made an effort to reach out to ministers like Dozier during the last presidential campaign.

Jeb Bush appointed Dozier to the 17th Judicial Nominating Commission in 2001. Gov. Bush reappointed him in 2003 and spoke at Dozier’s church on Martin Luther King Jr. Day that same year.

When President Bush campaigned at the Office Depot Center last fall, Dozier gave the invocation.

The president invited him to the White House in February as part of a delegation of 24 black preachers and business-owners to discuss Social Security.

Well, isn’t that nice? The Bushes are finally broadening their circle of friends. And what a prince they’ve found this time.

From the blog,

In November of 2003 Dozier referred to homosexuality as “something so nasty and disgusting that it makes God want to vomit,” and was quoted as saying: “Why is it one of the paramount of sins? Well, it is a very bad kind of sin because it really hurts society in so many ways. God, however, found a way to punish the homosexuals through HIV-AIDS. It is a type of judgment for such a sin as this one, homosexuality.” [11/27/03]

Horror over Dozier isn’t confined to the blogosphere. Back in January, 2004, he grilled judicial nominees in South Florida as to their religious beliefs, church activity, how they would rule on sodomy issues, whether they would post the Ten Commandments in the courthouse, and for females, a bonus question: how would they raise their children while on the bench?

Even the Orlando Business Journal was appalled.

Far be it from us to suggest that the process of choosing state judges is politicized’

Nor will we remind you that, only last year in Orlando, Gov. Bush told those folks he appointed to choose state judges that, “I’m looking for people who share my philosophy.”

Which brings us to the Right Rev. O’Neal Dozier.

The reverend is among nine folks who select judicial candidates to serve on the South Florida bench. We don’t know if he shares Gov. Bush’s philosophy on law, but we do know that he does not share that of the U.S. Constitution. This is how we know: “There is no such animal as separation of church and state in the Constitution,” he told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel.

in a statement designed to set George Washington’s wooden teeth a-chattering, the good reverend tells us “I don’t believe the developers of the Constitution would want us to compromise our Christian values.”

Gov. Bush has no more right to insist judges share his ideology than Rev. Dozier has the right to insist that they share his religious practices.

You said it, but they sure aren’t listening.


12 thoughts on “Monitoring God’s Vomit: Rev. O’Neal Dozier”

  1. I think that before an opinion is made, one should contact the originator of the statement before you can comment your view. Why don’t you request a copy of the Sermon (I did) and find out the the News Reporters twisted the truth of what was said. I trust in what Dr. Dozier said about homosexuality and its time for people to wake up and see that he is trying to show you how to live a righteous life. Nothing good comes from ungodly living. Also, if you ever get a fair hearing in a court of law, thank Pastor Dozier for standing up to screan and reccommend Men of Integrity to the Bench.

  2. As I can plainly see you are a leberal or may be a homosexual yourself. Maybe even someone who says “it’s ok to do whatever you want in life.” as if morality means nothing. Well you are right about a growing change, there are more BLACK AMERICANS that are becomming free from the foolishness that the likes of you, THE naacp, the nbc, the so called reverands sharpton and jackson has fed us for years. We will take back our community from the demoralization that the democratic party has fed us for many years. We need not your sympathy nor your hate and socialism, we especialy don’t need handouts. What we do need is more men like the Reverand Dozier to stand up and be a light. And not just preach for a dollar bill or just to keep the racism ticket be for the black men inorder to keep them in bondage for that same dollar bill. We will be free and I for one will do as the Reverand and stand as Christ stood, even to his death from people like minded as you. My goal is to continue to enlighten my fellow BLACK AMERICANS on the danger of following the trend for the day. We can do all things through God who strenghtens us. Not the Government, leberals like your self or your socialist programs fed to us by the democratic party, to make us believe we are being grieved upon by others. We have the same opportunity as others the problem is the majority of us are not taking advantage of the opportunies, we choose the get girls pragnant drop out of school and move in with them while the goernment takes care of them. Your socialist programs are not an help but a hinderance and it stops NOW!

  3. I just did an internet search to find this article this morning, after reading “Battle Cry” (see: last night. I never heard of Pastor Dozier until I read the article in “Battle Cry”. I wanted to find out more about him, as the article I read last night surprised me. The article said in essence that because of one little phrase, he was immediately removed from all positions of influence in the government. That phrase was that Islam is a cult. I also believe that Islam is a cult; however, also that Roman Catholicism and Masonry are cults. I would hope that I “misunderstood” the article in “Battle Cry” – as it seemed to say that Governor Jeb Bush (a man I have admired for years and thought of as an honorable man…) removed him/Rev. Dozier from a judicial nominating committee when Dozier called Islam a cult on a radio show. I would be very disappointed if that were the case, because I would think that Dozier’s personal faith (Islam being a cult) is protected under the constitution and he has a right to believe and share his view without losing his job over it. It is my understanding (to the best of my knowledge) that Charlie Crist promotes homosexuality (sin according to God’s word) and he was endorsed by both the President and Governor – yet – Pastor Dozier loses his position, for practicing his faith and sharing the TRUTH that Islam is a cult? I did look up the Pastor’s WebPages – and I did try to contact him; however, I could not e-mail him from his WebPage. I wanted to support Pastor Dozier for taking a stand for his faith -by sharing the truth about Islam, at the expense of worldly things (good job); however, tell him to read the article in “The failure of Viral Load Tests, JAMA Study shakes AIDS science, angers HIV Advocates.” Maybe God wanted to show Pastor Dozier he was headed in the wrong direction (advise to Bush/s on the HIV issue); therefore, ALLOWED the removal for another reason. I also would suggest that your readers check out and for more information on Islam, and spiritual understanding …and come out of the Roman Catholic Church and ecumenical movement if in it. Today is the day of salvation; we do not know what tomorrow will hold. I will remain in prayer for the Bush families and Pastor Dozier. John 3:3 (You must be BORN AGAIN to enter the kingdom of God) Romans 10:9-11 (call out to God for salvation), and Ephesians 2:8&9 (salvation can NOT be earned – it is a FREE GIFT). God bless

  4. I just did an internet search to find this article this morning, after reading “Battle Cry” (see: last night. I never heard of Pastor Dozier until I read the article in “Battle Cry”. I wanted to find out more about him, as the article I read last night surprised me. The article said in essence that because of one little phrase, he was immediately removed from all positions of influence in the government. That phrase was that Islam is a cult. I also believe that Islam is a cult; however, also that Roman Catholicism and Masonry are cults. I would hope that I “misunderstood” the article in “Battle Cry” – as it seemed to say that Governor Jeb Bush (a man I have admired for years and thought of as an honorable man…) removed him/Rev. Dozier from a judicial nominating committee when Dozier called Islam a cult on a radio show. I would be very disappointed if that were the case, because I would think that Dozier’s personal faith (Islam being a cult) is protected under the constitution and he has a right to believe and share his view without losing his job over it. It is my understanding (to the best of my knowledge) that Charlie Crist promotes homosexuality (sin according to God’s word) and he was endorsed by both the President and Governor – yet – Pastor Dozier loses his position, for practicing his faith and sharing the TRUTH that Islam is a cult? I did look up the Pastor’s WebPages – and I did try to contact him; however, I could not e-mail him from his WebPage. I wanted to support Pastor Dozier for taking a stand for his faith -by sharing the truth about Islam, at the expense of worldly things (good job); however, tell him to read the article in “The failure of Viral Load Tests, JAMA Study shakes AIDS science, angers HIV Advocates.” Maybe God wanted to show Pastor Dozier he was headed in the wrong direction (advise to Bush/s on the HIV issue); therefore, ALLOWED the removal for another reason. I also would suggest that your readers check out and for more information on Islam, and spiritual understanding …and come out of the Roman Catholic Church and ecumenical movement if in it. Today is the day of salvation; we do not know what tomorrow will hold. I will remain in prayer for the Bush families and Pastor Dozier. John 3:3 (You must be BORN AGAIN to enter the kingdom of God) Romans 10:9-11 (call out to God for salvation), and Ephesians 2:8&9 (salvation can NOT be earned – it is a FREE GIFT). God bless

  5. I just did an internet search to find this article this morning, after reading “Battle Cry” (see: last night. I never heard of Pastor Dozier until I read the article in “Battle Cry”. I wanted to find out more about him, as the article I read last night surprised me. The article said in essence that because of one little phrase, he was immediately removed from all positions of influence in the government. That phrase was that Islam is a cult. I also believe that Islam is a cult; however, also that Roman Catholicism and Masonry are cults. I would hope that I “misunderstood” the article in “Battle Cry” – as it seemed to say that Governor Jeb Bush (a man I have admired for years and thought of as an honorable man…) removed him/Rev. Dozier from a judicial nominating committee when Dozier called Islam a cult on a radio show. I would be very disappointed if that were the case, because I would think that Dozier’s personal faith (Islam being a cult) is protected under the constitution and he has a right to believe and share his view without losing his job over it. It is my understanding (to the best of my knowledge) that Charlie Crist promotes homosexuality (sin according to God’s word) and he was endorsed by both the President and Governor – yet – Pastor Dozier loses his position, for practicing his faith and sharing the TRUTH that Islam is a cult? I did look up the Pastor’s WebPages – and I did try to contact him; however, I could not e-mail him from his WebPage. I wanted to support Pastor Dozier for taking a stand for his faith -by sharing the truth about Islam, at the expense of worldly things (good job); however, tell him to read the article in “The failure of Viral Load Tests, JAMA Study shakes AIDS science, angers HIV Advocates.” Maybe God wanted to show Pastor Dozier he was headed in the wrong direction (advise to Bush/s on the HIV issue); therefore, ALLOWED the removal for another reason. I also would suggest that your readers check out and for more information on Islam, and spiritual understanding …and come out of the Roman Catholic Church and ecumenical movement if in it. Today is the day of salvation; we do not know what tomorrow will hold. I will remain in prayer for the Bush families and Pastor Dozier. John 3:3 (You must be BORN AGAIN to enter the kingdom of God) Romans 10:9-11 (call out to God for salvation), and Ephesians 2:8&9 (salvation can NOT be earned – it is a FREE GIFT). God bless

  6. I just did an internet search to find this article this morning, after reading “Battle Cry” (see: last night. I never heard of Pastor Dozier until I read the article in “Battle Cry”. I wanted to find out more about him, as the article I read last night surprised me. The article said in essence that because of one little phrase, he was immediately removed from all positions of influence in the government. That phrase was that Islam is a cult. I also believe that Islam is a cult; however, also that Roman Catholicism and Masonry are cults. I would hope that I “misunderstood” the article in “Battle Cry” – as it seemed to say that Governor Jeb Bush (a man I have admired for years and thought of as an honorable man…) removed him/Rev. Dozier from a judicial nominating committee when Dozier called Islam a cult on a radio show. I would be very disappointed if that were the case, because I would think that Dozier’s personal faith (Islam being a cult) is protected under the constitution and he has a right to believe and share his view without losing his job over it. It is my understanding (to the best of my knowledge) that Charlie Crist promotes homosexuality (sin according to God’s word) and he was endorsed by both the President and Governor – yet – Pastor Dozier loses his position, for practicing his faith and sharing the TRUTH that Islam is a cult? I did look up the Pastor’s WebPages – and I did try to contact him; however, I could not e-mail him from his WebPage. I wanted to support Pastor Dozier for taking a stand for his faith -by sharing the truth about Islam, at the expense of worldly things (good job); however, tell him to read the article in “The failure of Viral Load Tests, JAMA Study shakes AIDS science, angers HIV Advocates.” Maybe God wanted to show Pastor Dozier he was headed in the wrong direction (advise to Bush/s on the HIV issue); therefore, ALLOWED the removal for another reason. I also would suggest that your readers check out and for more information on Islam, and spiritual understanding …and come out of the Roman Catholic Church and ecumenical movement if in it. Today is the day of salvation; we do not know what tomorrow will hold. I will remain in prayer for the Bush families and Pastor Dozier. John 3:3 (You must be BORN AGAIN to enter the kingdom of God) Romans 10:9-11 (call out to God for salvation), and Ephesians 2:8&9 (salvation can NOT be earned – it is a FREE GIFT). God bless

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