On the floor of the Senate today, Sen. Rick Sanatorum compared the Democrats’ filibustering of judicial nominees to the Nazi occupation of Paris. Via Raw Story:
Some are suggesting we’re trying to change the law, we’re trying to break the rules. Remarkable. Remarkable hubris. I mean, imagine, the rule has been in place for 214 years that this is the way we confirm judges. Broken by the other side two years ago, and the audacity of some members to stand up and say, how dare you break this rule. It’s the equivalent of Adolf Hitler in 1942 “I’m in Paris. How dare you invade me. How dare you bomb my city? It’s mine.”
I seem to remember a little criticism of MoveOn for briefly hosting an ad that compared a George W. Bush speech to a Hitler speech, and Robert Byrd receiving a little criticism for comparing Republican consolidation of power to 1930s Nazi consolidation of power. So what is going to happen to a leading Republican senator (and probably a presidential candidate) who compares Democrats to Hitler in the middle of World War II? Anybody want to bet against absolutely nothing?
And let’s not forget the outrage when an official of the German government compared Bush to Hitler during the run up to the Iraq war.