Florida Democrats Kick Like…Donkeys

More signs of life from Florida Democratics, whose House members continue to challenge Republican-sponsored attempts to shut voters out of the state constitution. From their press release today:

Driven by their purported desire to “rescue the voters” by restricting a citizen’s right to participate in their government, the Republican-led Florida House of Representatives rejected a proposal by three House Democrats that would have allowed everyday voters to amend state law.

“The legislature is trying to close the door in voters’ faces by making it harder to amend the constitution,” Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Dania Beach) said…

The Republican drive to restrict a voter’s ability to change their own government stems from their belief that “the people of Florida need us [the legislature] to rescue them.” These words, uttered by State Representative Dennis Baxley (R-Ocala) at a Judiciary Committee meeting in January, illustrate a belief by some Republicans that the legislature is better informed than everyday people to make decisions about the state’s future.

“We are building a moat around the Capitol and drawing up the bridges,” said Rep. Dan Gelber (D-Miami Beach). “It’s like some are saying that democracy would be a whole lot easier without the voice of the people.”


One thought on “Florida Democrats Kick Like…Donkeys”

  1. This is a defining moment for Florida Democrats.

    With Republicans and special interests controlling Tallahassee (and for that matter–Washington), the initiative process is the last vehicle left for progressives to exert their voice.

    This is the time to lean on Democrats to stand strong and defend the voice of the people.

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