Olbermann Says Hosts Do Not Usually ‘Coach’ Guests

Over at TV Newser, cable news insiders wrote in to defend Sean Hannity for coaching his guests on how to deliver talking points. Hannity’s defenders say the women were very nervous, and Sean was just trying to help them focus.

Balderdash, says Keith Olberman in an email:

“Sorry, ‘most hosts’ do not give ‘media training’ to guests before a broadcast. Conceivably, you might calm down a nervous guest by going over the topics in advance, or telling them stories of the commonality of nervousness. But that’s not what the tapes indicate Hannity’s doing: he’s telling them how to avoid questions by his own co-host so that their story — true or false — goes unchallenged. It would be considered journalistic fraud, if Sean Hannity were a journalist and not a propagandist hack.”
